Our History
About our Founder
Divine Light wasfounded by Sri Asit Baran Bhowal- an ace Athlete, Body Builder and a First Division Football Player- who having already been inspired by Swami Vivekananda at the age of five,went on to lead a very austere life filled with empathy, compassion and love for people, who werehighly disadvantaged in life due to various inequalities and circumstantial issues.
Yet again Swamiji appeared before him during early morning on 02.02.1999 riding a wave of verybright life urging him to dedicate the rest of his life in the service of “ManMaking”. Thus Divine
Light came in to existence from early 2000.
Swamiji has since been guiding him in forming the Charter of this Organisation and the activitiesto be pursued for fulfilment of his cherished mission. Subsequently, Sri Jayanta Basu- a distinguished Rotarian and a social service activist from the famous publishing house of K.P. Basu &Sons joined and is still continuing as the President of the Organisation. There after other Members like Sri Tridib Auddy, Sri Badal Saha, Sri Dilip Sen etc came in.
Initially, Divine Light was engaged in providing services like distributing food and relief materials amongst flood affected destitute and used to promote yoga, sports and body building camps in various parts of Bengal.
Mr & Mrs. Asit Baran Bhowal: Founder

Mr & Mrs. Jayanta Basu: Co- founder

Sri Tridib Auddy Founder Member of Divine Light